Rotary International: People of Action - South Bay Sunrise Rotary


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1/15 - Rob Katherman, Water Rep District

1/22 - Ericka Sazo-Gonzalez, Domestic Violence

2/5   - Wen Chen, Ph.D


Wednesdays, 7:15am
DoubleTree Hilton Torrance
2133 Hawthorne Blvd
Torrance, CA 90503

Networking: 7:00am

Breakfast: 7:15am

Meeting Starts Promptly
7:15am - 8:30 am
  • January 2025:
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Early Bird Special ends Aug 10, 2024
of South Bay Sunrise Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
South Bay Sunrise

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 7:15 AM
Doubletree Hotel, Torrance
21333 Hawthorne Blvd
Torrance, CA 90503
United States of America
Doubletree Hotel Torrance
Our History
7-1-2015  SouthBay Sunrise Bulletin  
B&W Meeting 7/6 & 7/7  6:30 pm D Henseler home
Board Meeting 7/9     6 pm. Keller Williams
Special Olympic Opening Ceremony 7/25/2015
District Breakfast 7/28/2015
Yuko Saito Rodriguez- (Soon to be new member)
Gilbert Watson, Beth Bellio, Patty Morales
Victoria Savalos, Kristy Chanla.
Words of Inspiration and Blessing -Jess Knauft.
Jess Knauft drew on the Hawaiian / Reggae influence of great “philosopher” Bob Marley- "Life is one big road with lots of signs. So, when you are riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!"….    
The New President Ruth Ann Kurihara started the morning off with music and mucho Aloha….By the way if the music dies before you’re in the room- you’re late----Braddaah!    
Those who did not hear the music; Lawrence, Jim and Tony  
They were appropriately taxed by Mr. Hovsepian. Shaken not stirred no more….Their question was to determine the new beverage of choice Mr. James Bond now enjoys………………………………  
Past President Rosie Riera presented Ruth with a new bat and also unveiled a new classy 4 way test banner (that won’t fall off the wall in the middle of a meeting)… 
Happy- Happy July Birthdays
David Henseler July 4th! , Max Huang, Mary Rose Milt
Rosen Marianne Kelchner Rosy Riera.
In line with Hawaiian vibe…All birthday buddies were Kissed and
Lei-ed by the new president…. (Getting pretty friendly around here)
Tony Chow – passed around wedding album of his NY wedding. It was one of three wedding ceremonies he survived -I mean enjoyed!!!
President Ruth - Pitched tickets for the Special Olympics opening ceremony. She noted that DG – DJ is looking for good representation from 5280.  Evidently there are still a few seats available…
Softball – Warren Kelly reported that the July 18th date is iffy- Del Amo Rotary is looking to change the date- Warren will advise.   
Bear and Wine - David Henseler will accommodate club members with 2 consecutive B&W meetings at his house to get as many SBSRs as possible to participate. 7/6 and 7/7 6:30 pm.  
Golden Arm - Jim Beardsley reported that his grandson signed with Point Park U in Pittsburgh. Signed for his Powerful Purpose Percussion Pitching.    
Meet The New Boss
New President Ruth gave South Bay Sun Risers a nice opening to her term as president. She told a story of how certain events and people in her life had led up to where she is today. She honored her mom and dad, noted that certain adversities lead to good fortune like meeting her husband Dwight and finally the encounter with that cranky, impatient patient – Todd Cruser - who eventually coerced her to come to a meeting at Marie Calendars. One theme communicated-what is your “dash” going to look like? The dash defined as being the time from 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016. She asked members to make their dash count, to make a difference this Rotary year - be a gift to the world....  Thank you Ruth  
Sandra Villalobos 7/8    Merv Watkins 7/15    Lawrence Young
IN CASE YOU MISSED…You can make up here..        
Foundation Board Meeting 6/11 (Thursday) David & Karens Residence 
Planning Meeting 2pm – 5 pm 6/13 (Sat) Ruth Residence                        
District Assy- Carson Community Ctr 7am-1pm   6/20                  Pledge – Joanna Farmer
Demotion Party- Blue Water Grill Redndo Bch 6pm 6/20                Invoc- Jess Knauft  
Softball 7/18           
Yuko Saito Rodriguez- Velur Enterprises, Inc.
Stu Levy- Del Amo Rotary
Rachel Lin – Lawrence Young’s guest
Gilbert – Ruth Kurihara’ s guest 
Your bulletin is brought to you today by hearsay, innuendo, and other unfounded information. In- other words just like the LA Times.   
Rumor has it that La Presidenta Rosy Riera started the meeting a good many ticks after 7:15 and then fined Lawrence Young for being late (???)… Todd Cruser was also fined for asking Rosy and Ruth to schedule the demotion party for the 3rd week of June instead of last week of June- which was done- and is still going to miss the party.        
Bell Ringer
Apparently Todd heard one too many bone shattering clangs and stole the mini-bat from President Rosy… Note to SBSR’s – if Rosy can hit a softball as hard as she hits the bell…bat her 4th in the lineup for the 7/18 softball game.
Rotarian of the Year
Congratulations go out to Todd Cruser for earning Rotarian of the Year 2014-2015! He was presented said award today because again he will not be here on the 20th. Rosy stated that he was selected especially for his membership efforts, hard work and being a good right hand man. Rosy called him the “Speedy Gonzalez” of our club.   Congratulations Todd.
Thank You
Rosy shared a thank-you letter from Isabell Khadka –Secretary of Rotary Club of Kathmandu. They were the recipients of an SRSR check for $500.00 to help with Earthquake relief.
 Jim Beardsley announced that the RAT RIDE registration is up approximately 20% already this year and that SBSR has fired Active as the advertiser. Apparently Active will still be used for registration.           
Marianne Kelchner gave SBSR’s a lesson in Club-runner. Marianne showed the club how to update member profiles, utilize the email function and navigate the easy search links on the Club-runner site. She encouraged members to use it and get comfortable with its properties. We also learned from David Henseler that SBSR will be opening up the accounting function of club-runner and therefore billing members thru it.
John Kirk $500.00 Raffle   Winner!!!!!   
Raffle sched     
Irma Roche 6/17
Milt Rosen 6/24
Bill Smith 7/1
Sandra Villalobos 7/8
Merv Watkins 
Lawrence Young
IN CASE YOU MISSED…You can make up here..        
4-15-2015 South Bay Sunrise Bulletin
Relay for Life 4/25 SHS
New Member Induction 4/29
Beer and Wine Festival   5/3/2015 S. Coast Botanical
Dist. Conf 5/14 5/17 Coronado San Diego
 Flag Salute- Margie Beierschmitt 
                                                                            Four Way Test- Bob Kelchner
Guests                                                                 Words of Inspiration and Blessing –Jess Knauft
Rich Marcello - Strand Brewing Co. 
Tony Chow
Max Huang 
Be like buffaloes –They like to move and work together and will plow through and carry on, no matter how cold.
La Presidenta fined herself five big ones for confusing prospective new members Max Huang and Tony Chow (and Tony’s fiancée) in a recent email regarding the Rotary Day of Service … Question for President Rosie was to determine the vegetable that was sent to the afterlife with the mummified kings…I heard overtures from the gallery that included garlic, squash, olives and even grapes…all incorrect. The Onion was the symbol of eternity in ancient Egypt.
Need a few volunteers …
to pass out RBBT cards at the Special Olympic Bike ride that will take place this Saturday at the Redondo Beach Pier. The riders for that event may be interested in riding our event. If possible a few SBSR members can set up and stay for an hour or so…. 4/16 update- Beach City Bikes will put cards on tables… No volunteers.
Rotary Day of Service follow- up … approximately 24 people showed up to work at the ARC house this past Saturday…  Lawrence Young did a great job organizing the labor. As Bob Kelchner put it – we’d still be there scratching our heads if Lawrence wasn’t directing the work. Everything was accomplished with the exception of the installation of rain gutters (should take them back to home depot and pocket the cash???)
   OK- where is that escape clause for next year…..
It’s official… SBSR Rotary club foundation was officially incorporated last week according to Warren Kelly. A board meeting took place, minutes taken, election of officers – the whole nine yards… This was necessitated by the bank that holds our foundation account…
US Bank, rightly so, wanted to see a more official entity… Warren reported that the details – such as how often officers will be elected and so forth is still to be determined. Minutes will be distributed to whoever wants to see them (full disclosure/transparency/the old Obama line)....…He suggested that the board will meet again in July sometime, after the Beer and Wine and before the Rat Beach Bike Tour.
Beer and Wine… 5/3/2015… is Karen Greenberg these days… She said that even for a short retreat in San Felipe the event crept into the corners of her brain… not even a few libations was helpful  (suggest stronger medication)…Fortunately her vision of 500 or so patron’s will be exceeded; to date already 400 have paid! In fact next year’s event may need to be moved to a bigger venue…Karen also reported that a few glitches have been encountered- (parking) -however nothing too onerous at this point...
Alpine Village recently called to see if they could join the party…
Who’s on your pillow case? …
Warren Kelly’s daughter Sophia has an Elsa and Anna polyester pillow case that was getting pretty gamey. The precious pillowcase wasn’t going anywhere however as it had tremendous value to Sophia. Let’s just say it was frozen on her bed… (had to give it a shot).  Warren happened to mention the dilemma to Mary Rose Jeffry in passing. The next thing you know, Mary Rose presented a very suitable stitched cotton replacement to Warren…
Rich Marcello, VP of Strand Brewing Co. talked today about his company and gave a lesson in branding. Mr. Marcello pointed out that he rejected several times, Margie Beierschmitt’ s invitation to speak as he and those in his industry are typically not morning people. However Margie’s persistence prevailed.
Strand Brewing Co. manufactures premium hand crafted ale. Rich Marcello and Joel Elliot (President and Master Brewer) started the company about 5 years ago out of a 1000 square foot building in Torrance. Rich and Joel are essentially partners but Rich ended up taking the VP role because as he says – VP’s tend to age much better than presidents... Mr. Marcello says premium hand crafted ales is who they are and decisions regarding marketing and distribution- really anything- always goes back to one question… is it premium handcrafted ale? If it represents premium hand crafted ale, then it can be considered.
Developing the name Strand Brewing Company, South Bay, beach vibe, having a good time, high quality all were ideas that went into the thought process. It turns out that the Strand is the one thread that links all of these together. A lifeguard tower is in their logo which is a great symbol of the area.
The Strand Brewing Company is currently expanding out of that 1000 square foot building into 36,000 square feet structure remaining in the Torrance area.
Raffle sched.
Bob K                          4/22
Marianne K                  4/29
Warren K                     5/6     
John K                          5/13 Ruth Kurihara    5/20    Jean Morris        5/27               Larry Ott                       6/3
 IN CASE YOU MISSED…You can make up here..      
3-04-2015 Newsletter
District Governor Elsa Gillham & Larry Gillham
PDG Ingo Werk and Mary Werk
David Schwarts (Rosie Riera)
Mike Talleda Retired US Army- Wounded Heros
PDG -David Moyer – 5280 Foundation Chair
Linda Highland (Rosie Riera)
Retired US Army Sargent Gil Rojas and Mrs. Rojas
International Date Night -Dirty South Soul Food -Lawndale 3/11/15
321Go to End Polio-Griffith Park 3/21/15
Beer and Wine Festival   5/3/2015
Dist. Conf 5/14 – 5/17 Coronado San Diego                                     
Demotion 6/20/2015
Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant Gil Rojas
Four Way Testof the things we say and do- Mary Rose
Words of Inspiration and Blessing – Pastor Jess Knauft 
         “Its fine to celebrate success but more important to heed the lessons of failure” - Bill Gates
Let them Eat Cake!!!
President Rosie Riera celebrated the March Birthdays (and one February). Members Todd Cruser, John Kirk, Joanna Farmer (at this point she was 4/5 a member…) Irma Roche and Feb birthday Jess Knauft (4/5ths) received a chocolate cake with a solitaire candle on top. Ken Hovsepian also let it be known that his grandson was having his 5th birthday.
Another PH Fellow…
Bill Smith - Congratulated and recognized our newest Paul Harris victim - I mean Paul Harris fellow…Sandra Villalobos. Congratulations!
321 Go!
Jim Beardsley stated that things are going forward for the district event. If you haven’t already done so please register …
Dirty Soul Food Date Nite
Next Wed 6:30… Jim Beardsley set up a date night at Dirty South Soul Food in Lawndale… Black eyed peas, Fried Catfish, Collard Greens…you get the idea. Jim said he did a food tasting the other evening and his gizzard survived quite nicely…
Beer and Wine-
Karen Greenberg met with the Editor of Beer Paper Los Angeles, Daniel Drennan – Said he has done a fantastic job of assisting and securing breweries- so much so that were going to comp him a ticket. A fabulous ad will be running in his paper.  
Vision Recap-
Todd Cruser recapped the Friday Vision to Learn event at Whittier Elementary School in Long Beach. Some 65 glasses were provided and the new electric van was on display. Todd said it was very touching to see the kids get the help they need. He said that one in seven children in elementary school have significant vision issues and need corrective measures. There were many dignitaries present including the Mayor of Long Beach- BTW- Todd confessed that he was the only one there without a suit…or undershirt.
Vocational Scholarship Grant
A new rotary program.  This scholarship was developed for individuals who are not going to college but are directing their efforts to a particular technical vocational field. David Moyer reported that this year some 6 scholarships will be given out. Mr. Moyers presented a check to former veteran Mr. Gil Rojas. This scholarship ($3506) is going to pay the tuition of Animal Training College for Mr. Rojas to ultimately train dogs to assist veterans who need help. Mr. Rojas was very gracious and thankful for the assistance and is very hopeful that he can help his brothers and sisters who have come back from war.
Mike Talleda also talked about the importance of the animals and their therapeutic nature to the vets.
Jess Knauft and Joanna Farmer were officially inducted into the club. District Governor Elsa Gillham did the honors and was very complementary of SBSR, thanked the club for taking on the VIBRANT theme. DG Elsa recognized the sponsors first and presented them with their pins, Rosie Riera who sponsored Joanna Farmer and Margie Beierschmitt who sponsored Jess Knauft.
SBSR learned a few tidbits of our newest member’s bios- We learned that Joanna, formerly employed by the insurance industry now works with Rosie at Keller Williams in the real estate business. Joanna is a transplant from the Northern Cal area and has a Siberian Husky that guards her house. Her husband is Tim. We also learned that Jess Knauft is a senior pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Redondo Beach for over 16 years. Jess’ family includes a daughter who is a Lieutenant in the Navy, flies SH 60 Romeo helicopters (think Blackhawk) and son who is a math teacher – looking to continue studies at UC Berkeley. Jess is married to his wife Debbie.
PDG and Foundation Chair David Moyers initially covered a new topic with SBSR namely Peace and Conflict Resolution Center. Worthy candidates selected by Rotary Clubs, have their resumes forwarded to Rotary International for selection. The recipients are finance by the World Fund; go thru a one year program to these Peace Centers. As many as 60 candidates can be in the program. …
David Moyers asked, “How many ways can you donate to the foundation?- The answer- "as many ways as you want!” However to find a good way to be consistent go to A method for direct donation is provided.
David Moyers pointed out that the Vocation Scholarship award given today was a great example of how the Annual Fund works. Monies go in- 3 years later, revenue only comes back to the district and subsequently clubs for good use. 
The different levels of Paul Harris Achievement in case your wondering--
Paul Harris Fellow- 1000 of cash and/or recognition points.
Paul Harris Society– 1000 of cash only (no recognition points) every year.
Major Donor 10,000 dollars
Arch Klump society member 250,000
Endowment fund, Polio Plus, Annual Fund, World Fund were all discussed in some detail. David noted that the Annual Fund is the vehicle by which the funding comes back to the clubs and districts that get leveraged – where the donations from the club get multiplied by sometimes tenfold.
It will be estimated that a total amount of 1.9 billion dollars will have been spent on Polio Eradication-
David asked that Rotarian make the Rotary Foundation the first choice in your charitable giving.
No raffle winner – pot over $880.00          
IN CASE YOU MISSED…You can make up here..


Gerry Nick of Keller Williams
Pledge of Allegiance – Mary Rose
Four Way Test – Irma Roche
Words of Inspiration – Bill Smith
Feb 27 – Vision to Learn Kick-off- LB
March 4 – Induction Meeting
March 21 – 321 Go To End Polio – Griffith Park
May 3 – Beer and Wine – Botanical Gardens
Where have they gone?  South Bay Sunrise was down some 11 members this morning. Looked like a Skeleton Crew for breakfast...Probably still recovering from the effects of the Post-Oscar-Parties…DG Elsa will be here next week.
Bill Smith 
Generous Mr. Smith offered up a 4 tickets to see Kenny Loggins at Norris Theatre ($300.00 per ticket value).  You will join Bill and his lovely wife Debbie in a balcony box which also comes with a meet and greet. First takers score the tickets.
Paul Harris Chair Bill Smith also had some Rotary business to dispense. Bill stated that due to her dedication to serve and some hyperactivity on Todd Cruser’s part, Irma Morris is now a Paul Harris Fellow. Way to go Irma!


Lawrence Young was cited by President Rosie for walking in late…“I work to pay my fines!”  said Lawrence. His question from Ken Hovsepian was to determine the manner in which the 45.2 Karat Hope Diamond was delivered to the Smithsonian ----as it happens not by any profound means, no armored vehicle, no special service- just good ole US Postal Service... (Although the rock obviously got to its destination-Think I would have fired the guy in change of shipping on that one.)

Happy 110 Anniversary

President Rosy reported that Tuesday February 24th marked the 110 anniversary of Rotary… also marked 30 years of the campaign to end Polio. Rotary now is 1.2 million members strong.
Intermission- Basketball 
Last week Rosie’s husband David attended a basketball game at the Long Beach Pyramid, UC Davis vs. CSULB (this is where Laker fans are now going to watch basketball). It also happened to be Rotary day and at half time LB Rotary presented a check for a whopping $204,000 to CSULB for scholarship monies. Most important – Long Beach State won the game- go Beach.    
321 Go to End Polio
Jim Beardsley passed out 321 postcards for the upcoming event March 21st at Griffith Park. Jim asked members to sign up as a team on line.  Jim also reported that he was meeting with the District Governor today regarding this event. Look for South Bay Sunrise as you register. Volunteers please contact Ruth Kurihara. This is a District Event.
PETS Glow  
Yes, she did have that look…Ruth Kurihara survived a weekend at PETS and gave SBSR some of her thoughts. Ruth said it felt like the first day of school. Although initially overwhelmed, Ruth met many like-minded people, heard very inspiring stories, and learned a bunch of good stuff. To help her navigate the next term Ruth really would like members communicate their vision of what the club should do/look like/ progress by writing their thoughts on her Vision Board.

South Bay Beer & Wine Festival

Marianne Kelchner reported that to date we have 31 Breweries, 14 Restaurants, 5 wineries lined up for the May 3rd Beer and Wine event …
(I think maybe at this point we can pump the brakes on the beer vendors). “Now we just need somebody to drink the beer” Marianne quipped.  More restaurant, winery leads and auction items still must be procured.
Bob Kelchner said we can start selling tickets for the event and also noted that we will need some 50 pop-up tents and some 60 volunteers for the event.
Lawrence Young brought up a good suggestion regarding the tenting – rather than borrowing members EZ –Ups and Pop-ups - we will look at utilizing a rental company to provide a uniform canopy or canopies.
Gerry Nick colleague of President Rosie at Keller Williams - was here to talk ostensibly about Sports Safety.
The theme of his presentation however was really about maintaining a positive outlook on life regardless of what adversity it may bring. Mr. Nick shared that about 8 years ago his daughter Elizabeth, age 12 at the time, suffered a serious brain injury at a routine Pop Warner cheerleading practice. Mr. Nick said that this tragedy changed his own perspective on life – brought him a much greater appreciation for things, little things, being in the moment, being with family, being more grateful. He stated that while work is important, family should always be a priority.
The progress of Elizabeth seems to be very slow but steady. Mr. Nicks stated that it is important to celebrate the tiny achievements or milestones as victories that his daughter has accomplished. She has gone from being in an unresponsive, vegetative state, fed with a G–tube; to now relearning how to walk and able to drink water…
No raffle winner – pot over $860.00      
Raffle Gifts 3-4   Castillon   
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February 2025
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Club Service
Community Service
Vocational Service
International Service
Youth Service
Rotary Foundation

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